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Artificial Plants

Artificial herbal applications are arrangement works made using artificial plants.

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Artificial Plant Arrangements

Unlike shocked herbal applications, artificial plants are preferred in artificial herbal applications. You can choose artificial or mummified herbal applications in your spaces upon the customer's request, taste and the opinions of our designers.


The plants used are produced in the closest way to nature and it is difficult to distinguish them from the real ones.

Features of Artificial Plants

All indoor artificial plants used by BD Vertical Garden are UV-enhanced, sun-resistant, waterproof and fire-resistant. They provide sound insulation when applied on the wall. All of the artificial plants used are imported and supplied from high quality producers.

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Where Are Artificial Plant Arrangements Used?

You can use artificial plant applications in any area you want to green.

Our designers, working to add a new atmosphere to your spaces, will give you detailed information about the most suitable artificial plant arrangements after contacting us.

During the decision process, you can take a look at our applications in our projects section.

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Artificial Vertical Garden


Artificial Vertical Garden Application

Artificial  vertical garden  Our applications are suitable for use in both indoor and outdoor designs.


Artificial vertical garden applications, which are used to change the ambient air, create a natural environment and obtain a stylish appearance, stand out with their closeness to living plants and their durability. 

These applications adapt to almost any environment.

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Artificial Vertical Wall Features

These applications, which are preferred especially outdoors due to their durability against external conditions, are not affected by factors such as sunlight and wind.

All artificial vertical garden applications implemented by BD Vertical Garden:


  • UV added

  • Fireproof

  • Waterproof

  • environmentally friendly

  • They retain their evergreen properties.

  • They are maintenance free

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